Trashed is an ensemble work created in collaboration with Australia’s Emma Serjeant Performance. Choreographed by Ms. Serjeant and Ms. Haun, Trashed is a completely new movement tour-de-force that combines Modern Dance with Contemporary Circus to tell the story of how humans have to come to clutter their lives with too much stuff, too many people and too many “things to do,” and how all that clutter keeps us from each other.
The development of Trashed began with Phase 1, in Melbourne September 18 to October 1, 2016. Five artists from Winifred Haun & Dancers and three artists from Emma Serjeant Performance, spent 2 weeks at Australia’s premier circus organization, Circus Oz, finding ways to combine two completely different art forms. The results were amazing.
Phase 2 was from March 6 to March 16, 2017 in Chicago. Three circus artists from Emma Serjeant Performance joined dance artists from Winifred Haun & Dancers to continue the physical, mental and creative process of finishing Trashed. Trashed premiered March 18 & 19 at Aloft Circus Arts, to great audience and critical acclaim.
Here’s an excellent review at Picture this Post.
Chicago Magazine’s Lauren Warnecke wrote this preview about Trashed.
Trashed was even selected as one of Five Top Things to Do This Weekend!
Trashed (excerpts) from Winifred Haun on Vimeo.
Trashed was made possible by a major grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and members of Wini’s Circle.
Choreographed by Chicago Choreographer Winifred Haun , and Australian Circus Artist, Emma Serjeant, TrasheD combines Modern Dance with Contemporary Circus to tell the story of how humans have to come to clutter their lives with too much stuff, too many people and too many “things to do,” and how all that clutter keeps us from each other.
These photos are by Matthew Gregory Hollis, from the premiere in March 2017.